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Okra Plants

Q.when do i pick okra?

Zone nc | SURFERGIRL added on July 21, 2012 | Answered

This is the first year I have planted okra. I picked one when it was a purple red color. Should I pick the okra when it is purple or green?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on July 23, 2012
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Answered on July 21, 2012

Better to pick too early than too late. The fruit becomes kind of "woody" if left too long. Also, from my experience, the fruit does not ripen all at once. Each plant will have 1-3 pods ready for picking each doy or so. I do not recall the variety I used to plant but two to three inches is a good size; 4 inches max. longer than that and they get tough. Love that fried okra!

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