Q.When Applying Bone Meal Or Fertilizer To An Existing Rose Of Sharon, Do I Sprinkle It Around The Base Of The Plant And Water It In
. it around the base of the shrub. I have had my Rose of Sharon for several years it has never bloomed so I move it to an area that gets shade in the am and afternoon sun. It still has no blooms on it…do I sprinkle the bone meal just round the base and water it in or what do you suggest
Sprinkle the bone meal or fertilizer and then water the soil. I usually only apply the bone meal in Spring or when planting in the Fall in areas that really need phosphorus though. If the flower buds are falling down prematurely, it may be due to lack of water or a nutrient deficiency in the soil. Some sandy soils can have nutrient deficiencies. If the RoS is not developing flower buds, maybe there is dense shade or too much nitrogen in the soil. If there is too much nitrogen, reduce high nitrogen fertilizer applications and only apply per label directions. There are some soil kits sold at garden centers that can help you determine if your soil has too much nitrogen. Insects can also eat away the flower buds. Japanese beetles can also cause a lack of blooms by eating the flowers en masse.