Q.What’s Wrong With The Buds On My New Esperanza Plant!
I just purchased 2 large Esperanza’s. I see the tiny buds look nipped off before they form a bloom. I have this problem every year. Where the bud should form a blossom it looks like an inch long “hair” is sticking up.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
This looks to be either natural bloom drop from pollination, or environmental stress. If they are getting pollinated, then you should see small seed pods start to form over time. If this is environmental stress, which I DO see signs of, It is necessary to figure out the problem.
There are a few issues, and many overlap. Unfortunately, what is too dry will show similar symptoms to what is too wet for the plant. This will need to be monitored by a moisture meter or your finger. That latter will work just fine. Just be sure to let the soil dry out at least a few inches before watering again.
Disease is possible as well. In this case, you may treat with a fungicide and take samples to your local extension service.