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Pepper Plant

Q.What’s wrong with my Pepper Plant?

Zone Palm Bay, FL. 32907 | ibdez added on July 4, 2016 | Answered

My bell pepper plant all of a sudden started showing tiny black dots on its leaves, new and older, and some flowers turned brown. We’ve been short but heavy rains almost daily but it’s still very hot. I water about every other day. I’ve read to remove the spotted leaves but I’m concerned it may need something else. There are tiny peppers starting but they don’t look like they’ve grown much, if any, since they appeared about a week ago. I haven’t had any problems with the plant since planted in April. Its produced a few peppers since but too small to do anything with. I cut it back June 13 and plant has flourish, until now. Being new to gardening, I planted peppers because I heard/read they were easy to grow; minimal problems.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 6, 2016

This is likely Aphids that leave these marks on your plants.
Treat the plants with Neem Oil.
Neem Oil is organic and safe fro people, pets and Bees.

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