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Grapefruit Trees

Q.What’s Wrong With My Grapefruit Tree?

Zone Palm Desert, CA 92260 | Larry Hilton added on December 6, 2019 | Answered

We have lived at this home since 2004 and our grapefruit tree was a mature tree when we moved in. Up until 2016 it produced the most beautiful, sweet Ruby Reds and in abundance. Starting in 2017 the quantity and quality of the fruit has degraded to the point you see now in the picture. The fruit is undersized and we have a total of 12 grapefruit this year.

I have tried fertilizing with stakes, Mircle Grow for citrus, more water, less water but nothing seems to work. There are some dead branches among the leaves but I cannot figure out what to do. Like me, the tree is getting older, do they eventually old and stop producing? HELP PLEASE!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on December 9, 2019

The general consensus is that they live for about 50 years when cared for flawlessly. They have much less of a lifespan with less than perfect care.

I would expect to get about 30 years from the tree. It could be that it has met its lifespan. It could also be that it is overfertilized. They do not feed heavily, oddly enough!

If letting some of the nutrients leach out of the soil for a year does not help, then you may look to trimming the tree some. This can help restore production if the tree is not at the end of its lifespan.

Here are some articles that will give you a little more insight: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/fruits/grapefruit/grapefruit-tree-not-producing.htm


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