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Pruning Plants

Q.what’s the main reason to prune

jestrada added on August 27, 2014 | Answered

What is the main reason to prune?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 29, 2014

I think I would have to say, to make a short and inclusive answer, the main reason to prune is to make improvements to the plant. But there is not really one reason to prune; one prunes for a number of reasons, depending on the kind of plant and the circumstances. You prune to remove dead and diseased parts. You prune to strengthen the structure of trees and bushes. You prune old stuff to encourage the growth of new stuff. You prune to achieve a certain size or shape or optimum fruit or flower production. You prune for aesthetics. You prune to stop a plant from setting seeds or from going dormant. Pruning is one of the gardener's main tools for keeping the garden healthy and beautiful.

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