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Fruit Trees

Q.What’s That Look Like?

Zone 86409 | r1mcleod added on August 16, 2021 | Answered

I could use your help idetifying the cause of a problem in my yard. My Location is NW Arizona(Kingman) with an altitude of 3400 ft. New growth appears stunted/dwarfed on several fruit trees and rose bushes. I do not see any aphids or other pests, some leaves have small holes. The attached pictures show a mature fruit bearing plum that has produced no fruit this year.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 16, 2021

If it is in roses and fruit trees, it may be the result of the use of chemicals or drift of chemicals used by a neighbor. If the symptom is only present in the roses, consider chemicals and-or Rose Rosette Disease.

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