Q.What’s Going On With My Watermelon Vines?
Transplanted a small section and seeded the rest. Were doing great until we had several days of rain. Then I noticed they were thinning out and looked to be dying. I also noticed a few ant like bugs and sprayed them with Sevin ready to use spray for plants, fruits & veggies. However, the withering/dying started before I sprayed them. Could it be too much water? Oh, and the raised bed is lined, and the soil placed on top of it.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
I would suspect that overwatering has led to an infection. Now, what the bed is lined with may have some part in this.
Lining beds requires a porous material that lets water out, freely. Plastic is not ideal.
Unfortunately, the crop may be ruined this year, but you can make an attempt at correction with a fungicide. Sometimes, you can get something from the garden even if it has gotten out of hand.
These articles will help you with fungicide use:
This article will help you with watermelon care: