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Strawberry Plants

Q.What’s Eating My Strawberries?

Zone 85044 | Anonymous added on April 8, 2021 | Answered

i have a raised garden and beautiful, healthy strawberry plants. I’m finding the yellow on the way to red strawberries completely eaten ti the cap. I even draped 2 of the berries on top of the bricks and they were eaten yesterday. I do not use fertilizer or sprays. I did not have this problem last year and all I added was some mulch this year. Help

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 9, 2021

There are many things that will eat strawberries, from rabbits to insects, unfortunately. Unless you catch the thief in the act, or see signs of what might have been there, than it can be hard to say.

Here are some articles that will help you to protect your strawberries:



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