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Hydrangea Plants

Q.What’s Eating My Hydrangeas?

Zone Greensboro, NC | Leigh.Wills506 added on July 21, 2023 | Answered

Leaves look like lace, there are so many holes in them!

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on July 21, 2023

There are several possible culprits that could be eating your hydrangea and causing the leaves to look like lace. One common culprit is the hydrangea leaf-tier, a small caterpillar that weaves leaves together with silk and feeds on the foliage. Another possibility is the hydrangea sawfly, which is a type of wasp-like insect that lays eggs on the leaves and the larvae feed on the foliage, creating a lacy appearance. Additionally, slugs and snails are known to feed on hydrangea leaves, leaving behind irregular holes and a lace-like pattern. To determine the exact cause, inspect the plant closely and look for any signs of these pests.

Neem oil is the pest control choice but there are many options that you could use. These articles will give you more information:





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