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Ivy Plants

Q.What Would You Recommend To Replace A Patch Of Ivy In My Yard?

Zone 28412 | Mmayhew added on July 3, 2022 | Answered

I am in the Wilmington NC area and my backyard is on the North side of the house and is shaded to partly shaded. I have a patch of ivy I would like to get rid of and let grass grow. Currently small blades of grass are creeping through. Will grass grow in this area? The grass we currently have around the icy patch is fescue. Would that be recommended or another variety? I would also be ok with a less invasive ground cover.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on July 4, 2022

There are two problems that you will face, unfortunately.

I'm not aware of any grass that would be able to outcompete ivy in the shade, since they don't tend to do as well there.

Ivy is an absolute nightmare to get rid of, sometimes. Replacing it will mean killing it and putting something more aggressive, or as aggressive, in its place.

This article will suggest shade ground covers that might suit the area:


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