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Q.What Type Of Succulent Is This And Is A Flower Spike Of +_120 Cm Normal?

Zone Grabouw, Wester Cape, South Africa | johan added on June 19, 2022 | Answered

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 20, 2022

That is Haworthia, and on a plant that young a flower spike can indicate stress. They prefer slightly more water than Aloes will, and will enjoy full sun. I see signs that it may not receive as much light as it prefers. This will not kill the plant, but it will stress it out, producing what you see now.

I would cut it off to reduce stress to the plant. Repot into a slightly larger container with cactus soil and keep it slightly moist but not wet. It will tolerate dry periods, but prefers moisture.


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