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Japanese Maple Trees

Q.what type of japanese maple do i have?

Zone 15 miles from the beach, mid coast of wa. state | Anonymous added on September 9, 2016 | Answered

I have a tree that is 30 years old. It has white bark, the Japanese maple leaves (serrated, 7 points). It is about 30 feet high, round in shape. The leaves are maroon and green, turn a burnt orange for a short time in the fall. I love it, my friend wants one, and I have no idea what type it is! It grew quickly, reached its size and has just remained so.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on September 11, 2016

There are over 700 different Japanese Maple cultivators that are available to consumers.
It would be very difficult to give a specific name to your tree.

Do a Google search for a Japanese Maple grower and find a tree that meets the wants and needs of your friends garden.


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