Q.What To Plant by Front Door
I want to know what I could plant by my front door. There was a small (none healthy) bush on either side of the stoop when we moved in a couple years ago. Just last year we dug them up, filled in the holes, and I tried to plant there (just some wildflower mix) but they where drowned out. There are no gutters in the front of our house and we just rent, so we can’t put any on. Anyway, when it rains, water pours off the roof, leaving a line and quite a bit of water on each side — so it is nothing but dirt. What could work here? I need something that can be in shade and can stand times of quite a bit of water and times of dryness.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
I like marsh marigolds for those conditions, but they only bloom in spring and are a lovely green the rest of the year. Are you looking just to cover the area, or do you need something that blooms later in the year?