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Q.What to grow on a garden arch

Zone Bristol | Tribe2@btinternet.com added on October 7, 2017 | Answered

We have just erected a lovely metal garden arch. It looks rather bare of course and we would like ideas for growing climbers on it. Maybe quick growing plants. All suggestions welcome.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on October 7, 2017

Quick growing annual vines include cardinal vine and trailing nasturtium. Climbing roses are a classic look. Other possibilities include clematis, native honeysuckle vine, Carolina jessamine, climbing hydrangea and jasmine. American wisteria is more tame than the Chinese variety. Just make sure your arbor is big enough and sturdy enough to hold its mature size. Since I don't know your location, make sure your choice is appropriate for your location and the amount of direct sun the plant will receive. Lists often include trumpet vine, English ivy and wintercreeper (Euonymus fortunei) but these are invasive in many parts of the US and should be avoided, in my opinion.

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