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Calla Lily Plants

Q.What to do with Calla Lilies hit by frost

Zone Northern irrland | Mugs123 added on March 5, 2015 | Answered

I have Calla Lilies planted out in a well drained, full sun area. They normally overwinter very well; however, a particularly bad frost hit them this year and the plants have reduced to mush. Some new growth was coming through but appears to hit the existing mush, which then causes it to turn itself at the tips and not getting much further really. What should I do with them? Should I cut the plants right down to ground level now to allow new growth through?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on March 6, 2015

It sounds like your calla lilly may be suffering from root rot from being exposed to frost and it looks to be severe. Since root rot attacks the roots and is present in the soil, cutting the plant down to ground level will not really resolve the problem. Ideally, plants with root rot should be removed and destroyed.

For more information on root rot in the garden, please visit the following link:

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