Q.What To Do With A “Tree Lily Bulb” Received In The Winter
I just received a Tree Lily Bulb. It is winter here so I cannot plant it in the garden. How should I maintain this bulb until spring when I can plant it in the garden. I know I can’t plant it in a pot at this time (November) since it will be 4 or more feet tall before it is time to plant it in the garden. What is recommended for a tree lily bulb. Store in a cool dry place until spring or plant in a pot in Feb. or March to be transplanted in May or June 2023.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
I would, definitely, store in a cool dry place until you can plant it. In warmer climates, you will want to plant this in Fall, but in your area, your target time seems fine.
This article will go over storage of lily bulbs until you are ready for planting:
Here are some more articles that will help: