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Raspberry Plants

Q.What to do over summer in new garden

Zone South England | Cooper88 added on July 22, 2019 | Answered

Hello. Completely inexperienced and new gardener here. I have just purchased my first property with a garden (mostly flower beds). I was wondering: what do I need to be doing at the moment? The unplanted beds are starting to weed over, and the planted beds (rasberry bush, lavender), are looking a little worse for wear. I want to plant some roses and bulbs when the time comes.

Thank you so much!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 22, 2019

Have you heard the phrase "Nature abhors a vacuum"? You have nice bare garden soil which weeds find ideal and fill that vacuum of an empty garden bed. If it gets at least 6 hours of sun daily, it isn't too late to plant bush bean or compact cucumber. Both germinate and grow quickly. Another option is a rambling/trailing annual like nasturtium (edible) or scarlet runner bean. If your bed is shady, look into Thunbergia. Growing a cover crop that you will turn into and nourish the soil in fall is another possibility. Cover crops are quick-growing annuals like annual rye. I'm sure your climate has its own favorite cover crops/green manures. If you will be planting in 2 months as weather cools, protect the empty bed now by covering it with cardboard and 4 inches of mulch. A bird bath or garden statuary adds zip to the mulched bed or put several planters around with colorful flowers. Lavender is pruned in fall in mild areas and in spring where winters are severe. Cut off the spent flowers, cutting down to where the flower stem meets leaves. Raspberries have specific pruning needs to keep them in check. Attached are several articles that I hope give you some confidence to get out there and tend the plants.
https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/fruits/raspberry/pruning-raspberry-bushes.htm. https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/fruits/raspberry/care-of-raspberry-plants.htm

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