Q.jade plant stem broken off main root trunk
My jade plant had suddenly broke off from its main trunk (root base) and I’m terrified and clueless as to what to do with the broken stem that has leaves and the trunk that has the roots, which became buried deeper and firmer than I recalled doing. It’s 2 yrs old and I repotted it 4 weeks ago and that seems to be when things appeared to start going downhill. Can I salvage or revive these two parts and how to go about it? Thank you for your time.
Your best approach would probably be to make the main portion into a number of cuttings that you can root. Here is an article about that: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/houseplants/jade-plant/propagating-jade-plants.htm
If the original plant was large, you have an interesting opportunity to experiment with rooting of different thicknesses of cuttings.
I don't know if the root will send up new shoots, but you can try. The big danger will be root rot, since there are no leaves to move the moisture out of the soil. So you'll need to put the pot where the soil can dry out quickly, then move it to where you can keep the soil very slightly damp. Don't be afraid to use a tester to monitor the soil moisture in the bottom of the pot.