Q.What to Do for Nectarine Tree Sap Oozing
I have a two year old nectarine tree which was very healthy – and I was looking forward to the first summer fruit – until the last month.
A main branch coming off the truck has tree sap oozing out at a number of sites. It looks like the main truck has what MAY be the beginning of wounds in 4 or 5 places as well, but no sap. Other than that the new growth this year looks very good. DO I let the tree fight this on it’s own? My garden is completely organic/no pesticides and I usually have no pest problems that get out of control. Thank you.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
It sounds as though the tree may have peach canker (which can affect any stone fruit tree). This needs to be addressed, but should not need any chemicals to address it. This article will help: