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Lemon Trees

Q.What sort of Lemon do we have

Zone Sort of mediterranean inland NSW | anniepenny added on June 28, 2015 | Answered

We have moved into a home where there is a lemon tree growing in the backyard. The tree itself has large thorns and the fruit look like tear drop shapes with rough skin, but not as rough as a bush lemon. When cut, the juice seems to be clear but a little sticky, feels a little bit like the sap of oleanders but not white. The lemon itself tastes something like a lemon but has a bitterness which is not like a lemon. It has a bitter aftertaste.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 29, 2015

Here is a link with a list of some of the most common cultivators.
You may be able to match up characteristics and make a match.


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