Q.What should I do with tomato plants that are too big to be put in a cage?
I didn’t get tomato cages on my tomato plants in time and now they are too big. They are just loaded with tomatoes. Someone suggested putting newspaper or grass clippings underneath them so they aren’t touching the ground and just letting them be. Will this work or do I need to do something to get them off of the ground?

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
You coulld do this but it is normally better to keep them off the ground as opposed to leaving them, as this leaves them more vulnerable to pests or disease. Staking the plants is a great way to provide support. The following article will help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/vegetables/tomato/best-way-stake-tomatoes.htm

Hmm sorry - just to follow up on the bamboo stakes for tomatoes thing..- depending on the variety of tomato you are growing (determinate versus indeterminate) you may need stakes about 6ft long - They need to go fairly deep into the ground to hold the weight.

Hee hee... i've had the same problem - my tomato plant is huge and just the other day one of the main stems just broke under the weight of the tomatoes (geez talk about too much of a good thing hehehe) anyway - I stake my tommies using 1" circumference bamboo poles - and I use four for one plant. I usually use cut up panty hose to secure them to the poles as they are friendly to the plant and have a little give in them. I also prune them regularly - one to keep the plant from taking over the entire garden and also to reduce bugs, rot and other nastiness from taking hold in the tomato jungle. I hope this helps; enjoy your tommies

Have you tried using tomato stakes? You can pound them alongside the plant and then tie the plant to the stake. You can get them in any of the big box stores.
Good luck,
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