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Mandevilla Plants

Q.What Should I Do With These Vines?

Zone Ottawa, Ontario | Rhubarb_Pie added on January 11, 2021 | Answered

I brought this mandevilla plant inside the house just before the first frost. It was beautiful! After trimmed, the vines have been growing quite well along a support I put. Now some of the vines are looking for the place to crawl more. As it’s the pot placed beside the window, I’m thinking of hanging a string from the curtain rail. Is there any good solution for the support? Thanks,

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on January 11, 2021

Clipping stringy growth can help to maintain it, temporarily, but keep it a little more compact you will need a little extra lighting to help.

When leaf nodes have quite a bit of space between them, it will indicate that they are stretching to find the light source, or more or it.

If you cannot find a brighter window, then using artificial lighting may help until you can return it to a more favorable condition.

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