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Prayer Plants

Q.What should I do with a prayer plant bulb?

Zone Saint Paul, MN 55106 | Anonymous added on April 17, 2020 | Answered

I received a prayer plant in a funeral basket. After being accidentally knocked over I noticed a bulb in the roots. The plant died entirely and the bulb has since dried. I have saved the bulb in the hopes of being able to start a new plant? Will this work? I have another prayer plant that I bought, if this produces a bulb can it be used to start a new plant and should I do it prior to the bulb becoming dried up?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 21, 2020

The root systems of this and other members of this plant family are best described as rhizomatous, bulbous.
Though I believe since the "bulb" dried out, it may not grow....but it may be worth trying!
Place in a small pot of potting soil and keep moist; not dry or soggy. Wait and see! No harm in trying.


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