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Strawberry Plants

Q.What PH Do Fragaria Stawberries Perfer

Zone 34983 | Anonymous added on April 14, 2024 | Answered

I purchased Fragsria strawberries from Park seeds catalog 2 weeks ago and my strawberries are doing off one by one. I live in Florida,zone 10a. So I have very poor sand and I made my own soil from local sand soil, compost and worm casting. See first picture. I was hoping to fine what pH strawberries perfer. I test the soil I made and the pH tested at slightly acidic, second picture. The other tests are as follows: nitrogen, high; phosphorous, very low to none; potash, very low. I used HoldAll soil testing kit. Also, I used Gurney’s strawberry food 4-3-4 when I planted them.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 15, 2024

Strawberries in your zone 10 should be grown in winter. Spring and summer is often too hot for strawberries in your area. The soil must be kept moist in hot areas. Soil pH should be 6 to 6.5. Be careful not to overfertilize. Here is more:


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