Q.What Location Is This Website Info Based From? Are You Up North, Out West, Down South, Or Somewhere In The Middle?
I can find no info on your website which state or plant zone you are based out of? Some info, like for houseplants, applies everywhere. Outside gardening may or may not be accurate or complete, depending on zone of source vs zone of reader. I have found it helpful to know source location, so I can make adjustments if needed. Nice site though.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
The articles are written by people who are located in different regions of the U.S. However, they are written with the plant's hardiness in mind, not where the author lives. For example, if the article says the plant is hardy in zones 4 to 8, and you live in zone 7, you know that plant will do well for you. (Once in a while I see an article without the hardiness zones listed, unfortunately, but they are easy to look up.) Our articles are based on university information from Cooperative Extension Services in each state.
I'm glad you are enjoying the site!