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Astilbe Plants

Q.What Kind Of Pot Is Best For Growing Astilbe?

Zone rochester ny 14619 | Anonymous added on September 8, 2021 | Answered

I want to transplant two struggling astilbe plants into pots. What kind of pot is best? Terracotta? Plastic? Ceramic? And then how best/where to winter-over? Or is it better for the plants to be in nursery pots and “disguise” with decorative outer pots? I have a wine barrel 1/2 into which I was thinking of transplanting 2-3 astilbe – bottom of barrel will have several large drainage holes. Thoughts? Thank you!! ~heidi

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 22, 2021

If they are struggling it may be due to amount of light or soil that is not well draining. Be sure to use potting soil in the containers, not garden soil. It never hurts to add some perlite to the potting mix to aid drainage.

You can use any of the options you mentioned for the container but terra cotta doesn't do so well over winter. If you use a decorative outer pot, be sure to remove the inner pot when watering or water will build up in the bottom, even if there are holes in the outer pot.

They are hardy to zone 4, some to 3, so you can leave them outside during the winter in your zone 6. However, make sure they are mulched well and I would also move them to a protected area of the yard.


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