Q.philodendrons outdoors
what kind of pests, diseases do philodendrons get when grown outdoors? I’m thinking of planting 3 of these under our wild olive tree on the north side of the house. It is a protected corner that only gets early morning sun from the east until about 11-11:30 am. The ground stays moist (not soggy) most of the time due to a foundation soaker hose and a periodic sprinkler system. I’m looking for something that will be fairly care free. We thought of green and white flax lilies but ours seem to get rust and scale all the time and I don’t want to be spraying poisons on our plants all the time.
Do philodendrons come in variegated colors or just solid green?

Philodendrons are solid green leaves. The location you mention may not be an ideal planting site for this plant. They may need a bit more filtered light and the moist soil may lead to disease and fungus issues.
The Rust fungus you mention that you have had problems with can be due to moist growing conditions and lack of air circulation.
Neem Oil is a good choice for treating Rust Fungus and other issues in the garden. It works as both an insecticide and fungicide, it's organic; safe for people, pets and bees!
I'm listing some links for you with more information.