Q.What is wrong with this rose of sharon tree? How can I correct the problem?
Rose of sharon tree -leaves are very small stunted growth of leaves and flowers. sick looking leaves and small flowers. too few leaves

Two diseases might be at work. One if a fungal leaf spot caused by Cercospora. It starts with spots on leaves that go on to wilt and fall off. The other is a root rot which affects the plant's ability to feed the leaves so wilting and leaf drop are primary symptoms. If you carefully scrape soil from the roots, you may find root galls. Finally there is a blight affecting rose of Sharon, hibiscus chlorotic virus. Take a look of images of this problem to see if that looks like your shrub. Unfortunately, there is no treatment for this virus and the shrub needs to be removed. More info on rose of Sharon diseases here: https://www.hunker.com/13406679/how-to-treat-diseases-on-a-rose-of-sharon-tree