Q.Yellow bell peppers
What is wrong with my yellow bell peppers? They get rotten spots on their sides (not blossom ends) before they ripen. I have 5 yellow bell pepper plants, grown from seed, started indoors in February. They are surrounded by sweet potato vines. Also planted nearby are tomatoes. Peppers start rotting on upper side – not blossom end – before they start turning yellow. Leaves look perfect. I have a jalapeno plant nearby that did fantastic, harvesting at least 40 peppers from that 1 plant. The bell peppers are being grown in an area that only had grass growning it – I ripped up sod and extended the garden this year and the peppers were planted in that section. Soil pH was in “normal” range – neither acidic or alkaline. Only fertilizer used was 2 applications of Miracle Grow, one in early June, the other in late July. Can you help identify what is wrong with my peppers plants and how to correct it next year?
This is likely sun scald.
Here is a link with more information.