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Rhododendron Plants

Q.What Is Wrong With My Rhododendron?

Zone Solihull | amyjayne added on April 13, 2020 | Answered

We have a large plant that we moved a few years ago. From the front the plant looks well and appears to have many buds ready to flower. However from the top and other side, much of the plant appears to have died. What can I do?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 15, 2020

If the side that looks good is facing the shade and there is bright sun on the dead side, then my guess would be too much sun. These are better suited for shade gardens.

If this is in shade, already, then it could be an infections from soil that remain saturated for too long without a dry out.

This article will give you more information on the care that they require:


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Answered on April 15, 2020

Thank you so much Bushdoctor. The garden dips and the plant was in water for a great deal of water. I have cut away all of the dead and am not watering it at the moment. Will I still be able to save it if I move it?

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