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Fig Tree

Q.what is wrong with my fig tree?

luke150 added on January 18, 2011 | Answered

I have a large fig tree that grows a lot of figs every year but when they get brown and look like they are ready to eat, the “flesh” inside looks a feels like a shag carpet. Too nasty to eat. I asked at the local nursery and they told me fig trees don”t need a lot of water but it seems like my tree bares fruit that didn’t get enough water. My tree is about 8′ tall and 6′ wide. The fruit on this tree has been un-eatable for many years.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on January 18, 2011

If at sometime in the past, the fig tree produced quality fruit, I would recommend taking a sample of the soil it grows in to your local extension office to be tested for nematodes. If the tree has nematodes, this can cause poor fruiting like that. You can also try checking the roots for unusual growths. This will indicate that nematodes may be the issue, but only a soil test can confirm it.

If it has never produced quality fruit, it is possible that the variety is just not suited for your area.

Beyond this, while it is true that figs don't need a lot of water, they also have very shallow root systems. If you have soil that dries out quickly near the surface, extra water will be helpful for the trees and will help to improve fruit quality.

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