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Cherry Trees

Q.cutting and growing shoots from cherry

Anonymous added on August 29, 2016 | Answered

I want to (and do) remove the suckers from our cherry trees. But the “suckery” one is pink, flowers beautifully for our eldest child’s b’day (4y) in early August, and we always take a “family photo” of all 4 of us in front of it each year when it’s “going nuts.” Please, can you tell me what the “suckers” will turn into if I was to grow them on as cuttings. (We’re on 104Ha so size isn’t an issue)

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 30, 2016

There really is no way to know what root stock the Cherry Tree was grafted unto.
Leaving the sucker growth to grow will take energy away from the tree and likely over time will effect the health of the tree.
Fruit production will likely be affected.

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