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Raised Garden Beds

Q.What Is This Foamy White Stuff In My Raised Veggie Garden?

Zone Mukilteo, Wa 98275 | Byron added on May 11, 2020 | Answered

Please look at uploaded picture. This white foamy stuff appeared over night in my raised veggie bed. It’s about 3″ in size. I did flush out worm tower with water yesterday. If it is organic I will leave it. If it’s going to damage my veggies I will remove. Thanks, Byron

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 13, 2020

It is something known as a "Slime Mold", though it isn't a mold at all.

This beneficial creature is best left to kill off the bad microbes in your lawn. That is part of their diet- Bad microbes. Though it is unsightly, it is doing a good deed.

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