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Q.What is the preferred ratio of bone meal to compost

Zone 61856 | theogill77 added on April 11, 2015 | Answered

What is the preferred ratio of bone meal to compost when making bulb fertilizer? Are the components measured by volume or by weight?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 12, 2015

Here is another link about proper planting and care of daffodil bulbs.
Bone meal is not a recommended fertilizer for daffodil bulbs, containing to much nitrogen. You could use it as a top dress after the blooms have faded to feed the bulb for next spring.


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Answered on April 12, 2015

Since I wan't sure what bulbs you were referring too, I listed a few links for you.
I myself urge less is more when adding bone meal to my bulb beds. To much tends to overfeed the bulbs and I get more greens then flowers.




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