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Passion Flower Vine

Q.What Is The Deficiency Or Damage?

Zone sw1v 2ln | moya.russell@googlemail.com added on April 10, 2021 | Answered

I neglected to protect this passionflower plant over winter. I have assumed there is damage and an iron deficiency giving the yellowing of the leaves. Should I trim it back and what fertiliser should I give it? I did give it some seaweed and clematis feed last month.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 12, 2021

Iron chlorosis can be common over the winter. If you have given it feed according to instruction, then it will not be time to feed just yet. Rather, if your area does get quite a bit of rain, then I suspect that this is the culprit.

Root suffocation can cause poor nutrient absorbtion and rot. Make sure that the container has plenty of drain holes to allow all extra water out. These plants will not want to be saturated, constantly.

You may think about using a fungicide, as well. This can help kill or prevent any infections that are inherent to wet soils. Here is an article that will help you with fungicide use:


This article will help you to grow Passiflora in container:


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