Q.What Is The Best Supplement (food) To Use When Growing The Tamarillo / Tree Tomato Plant For The Healthy Growing Of These Plants.
Should I use fertilizer and if so which is the best one to use. Or is there something else that will give the best results. I planted the trees in a compost rich soil and bone meal was also worked into the soil before planting it. For some reason I’m growing the tropical punch (a fruit that is similar in shape and size as the tree tomato, however when ripe it tastes like sweet melon, guava and pawpaw) with great success but for some unknown reason I’m battling to get the tree tomato to bear fruit. I have one tree that’s been growing for over 4 years, yet still no fruit. What am I doing wrong?

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
A balanced fertilizer (like 10-10-10) should be applied quarterly. They need plenty of water, but soil should be well draining, and they need full sun. In hotter climates they can take a little shade in the afternoon. Here is more: