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Burning Bush Plants

Q.What Is Rooting Hormone and Soiless Mix?

SUSANLKWD added on June 13, 2011 | Answered

Want to root a red burning bush (the one with prickers) and have a few gaps to fill.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 17, 2011

Rooting hormone is a substance you can buy that has fungicide and plant hormones. The fungicide helps to keep away rot and the plant hormones will encourage the cutting to grow roots. It is available at most nurseries, including those outside big box stores.

Soilless mix typically refers to potting soil. It means a planting substance that does not have soil, as in the stuff the ground is made of, in it. Instead, it is made of plant based material, like peat moss. Soilless mix does not compact down like soil does, which is why it is good for rooting cuttings.

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