Q.what is on the trunk and branches of my dwarf apricot tree?
Happy Sunday from Port Fairy in S.W. Victoria. I have a dwarf apricot tree which is about 3 years old and I moved it to its current location 2 years ago but it has not yet fruited but growing well. I have read it is better to wait until start of spring to prune it? It is next to a dwarf peach which has give abundant delicious fruit this year. I noticed this strange horizontal white markings all over the trunk and wonder what it is and if I need to do anything to remedy this. See the photo attached
Thanks Rob
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Those white marks are called lenticels. They are commoon to all trees in the Prunus Genus. They can show more in some cultivars than others.
As for the tree. Moving is very hard on the root system. Especially if this is not done while the tree is dormant. It is right at the age after transplant to start fruiting. I would recommend giving it one more year, and if you don't see flowers at all by then, it will be time to check for a fungal issue, or possible bacterial infection.
You can do so by having your soil tested. This can be done through your local extension service. This article will help you to find the closest one to you: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/extension-search
This article will give you more information on how to care for your apricot: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/fruits/apricots/apricot-tree-growing.htm