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St. Augustine Grass

Q.What Is Happening To My St Augustine Grass Yard?

Zone Ft Worth, TX | Anonymous added on July 25, 2023 | Answered

In March 2022, I had st Augustine sod put in my yard. It was very lush and green till June when temperatures were in 90s to over 100 degrees. I watered every other day 10 minutes in morning and 19 minutes in evening. The green color has faded to a tan color. Some spots are still green along the edges and around tree. What happened? Did I water too much. We have not had rain in over two months. What should I do?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on July 27, 2023

Once established, they need little moisture, so it may have been overwatered. Cut back on watering to once a week, and when you do water, water deeply.

This info should help:




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