Q.What is happening to my Althea Zebrinas?
At the local nursery, I noticed some absolutely gorgeous perennials, covered in lovely purple and pink stiped flowers, and I was told that they are Althea Zebrinas. The salesperson told me that they will “continue to flower through early fall.” I set them in the sun on my porch while I continued to get the areas prepared for planting. Within a few days, ALL of the flowers seemed to just go away- upon closer inspection, it seems they have shriveled up, leaving a small, green bud-looking object behind. At first I thought they were dying, but the foliage is nice and green, and the stalks are still perfectly healthy. So, is this just part of the normal cycle for this plant? Will they produce flowers again this season, as I was lead to believe, or are they done until next year? I have no experience with these, so any advice would be great. And btw, they’ve been getting just the right amount of water, are draining well, and have been sitting in full sun, as per the instructions. Thanks in advance!

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Those are seed pods! If you cut these off, then it will likely flower again. Leaving them on will allow for collecting seeds once they ripen.
Almost all Althea will require the same care, so this article will help with the general care of these: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/shrubs/rose-of-sharon/rose-of-sharon-bush.htm