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Hyacinth Plant

Q.What is happened with my bushes?

Zone L14 2ha | Mickey_b88 added on July 1, 2018 | Answered

I have moved the left 3 bushes to their current spot (see attached picture) they have now started turning lighy in colour and are very brittle. I am watering them daily and planted them in good compost with feed but they seem to be dying. What can i do to get them growing like the other 2 on the right? Thanks.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 1, 2018

It takes *at least* several weeks for a plant that size to recover from being transplanted. The English use the word compost where Americans say garden soil. Good soil has compost in it but 100% composted material is not good soil. I wish I knew where you lived! Good soil retains moisture, mulching helps a lot, so watering daily seems too much. You want moist but not soggy soil or the soil loses its oxygen which the plant needs. Use your finger or a trowel to check 2" down into the soil. When it is dry at 2" (5cm roughly) it is time to water deeply. No matter how careful you are, delicate feeder roots - the ones that absorb water and nutrients - get broken during transplantation. This is probably what is wrong, not insufficient water. There is a lot of leaf surface for the roots to support especially on hot or windy days when leaves lose moisture. I also recommend using a shade cloth to protect the shrubs from harsh, drying sunlight until they recover. I've used paper leaf bags or a cardboard box over a long-handled shovel to construct temporary shade. Typical advice is to not fertilize a transplanted shrub or tree until the following year. This gives it time to make more feeder roots and prevents burning of delicate roots. Because the leaves are not getting enough water and turning crispy, look into spraying with an anti-transpirant. Make sure it is rated for your shrub or test on a small section. It is a temporary coating that minimizes moisture lose. Many Christmas trees are sprayed with this. Summer is the worst time to transplant but sometimes it is necessary. Next time you need to move a shrub, follow the advice on this web page. https://extension.psu.edu/transplanting-or-moving-trees-and-shrubs-in-the-landscape

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