Q.What is going wrong with my azalea?
I repotted this plant about 6 months ago and have had it in the window at work and it seemed to be doing well until about 10 days ago. I’m not sure what I’ve done wrong or what I can do to save it.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Here are some things to check:
When you repotted, did you use potting soil especially for acid loving plants? Fertilizer too for acid loving plants.
Are you keeping the soil moist?
Is it a florist azalea or hardy azalea? Florist azaleas are only hardy to zone 10 and that is what you want indoors. Hardy azaleas need to go outside.
If all of these are "yes," then check for insects under the foliage or in the stem joints. If you find any, spray with neem oil.