Q.What is going on with this Honeysuckle?
I have forgotten the name of this Honeysuckle but it will be Red in colour and one of the most fragrant.I planted it two years ago when it was 6 inches! From the photos can anyone tell me what is going on? It bloomed last year but with very tiny flowers.
There are many varieties that have red flowers, so it is difficult to say the type you have.
Yellowing leaves can be caused by disease, lack of moisture, leaf scorch or even Scale insects.
Apply a balanced 10-10-10 all-purpose fertilizer in spring when the honeysuckle starts to produce new growth. Use 1 tablespoon of 10-10-10 fertilizer for every 1 foot of height of your honeysuckle. For example, a 3-foot-tall honeysuckle should receive 3 tablespoons of fertilizer.
Water the honeysuckle immediately after applying the fertilizer, using enough water to moisten the soil to a depth of 8 to 12 inches. This helps carry the fertilizer's nutrients down to the plant's roots and also minimizes the risk of nitrogen burns.
Don't fertilize your honeysuckle more than once a year because this may cause the plant to produce lots of leaves but few flowers.