Q.What Is Going On With My Ruby Falls Weeping Redbud?
I purchased a Ruby Falls Weeping Redbud last Spring and it was thriving beautifully. It went dormant over the late fall to mid-winter, but in between the two seasons, our weather was quite unseasonable and there was some new growth on the branches. Eventually, all its leaves were lost and it sat dormant for a couple more months. Fast forward to early Spring, and the only new growth I’m seeing is at the bottom of the tree. It’s abundant growth, but not where I expected to see it. None of the branches are in bloom, nor is anything from about the middle to the top of the tree. In fact, the branches appear to be completely “dead”. I broke about an inch from a couple of the branches just to see if there was any sign of life, but each “snapped” right off as if I were picking up a dead stick and breaking it in half. What should I do? I paid a lot of money for the tree and would like to save it if it’s possible. However, I need professional recommendations of what to do and of what could be happening. Thank you in advance.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Unfortunately, the top scion is dead. Likely, the tree is grafted, which means that the top Redbud is different than the rootstock Redbud. This isn't to say that the what comes up won't be a nice tree... It just means that it may not be the same tree that you planted.
This could have been due to many stresses. They appreciate some shade, protection from wind. They will not tolerate dry soils, but appreciate a slight dry out between waterings.