Q.What Is Eating My Zinnia Seedlings? What Can I Do To Stop It?
I planted zinnia seeds under a row cover after the first batch of about 100 new seedlings just disappeared overnight in the same bed. One night they were fine and the next morning they were gone, stem and all. The first batch was planted in open air without a row cover. Now the second batch of seedlings under the row cover are having their leaves eaten off by something. I have probably a couple hundred growing and at least a hundred that only have a stem sticking up with no leaves. What could be eating them under the cover and how do I kill it?
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Unfortunately, unless you see signs of what could be eating them it can be very hard to tell what will be the culprit.
Insects, gophers, moles, and voles may still be able to get into the row covers, as can slugs and snails. Many of these creatures can leave signs of being there.
In the meantime, these articles can help you to keep out some common pests: