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Blackberry Plants

Q.What is causing some of our blackberries to have dry spots on them?

Zone Utah | Jenene added on July 12, 2012 | Answered

Our blackberry bushes are healthy and thriving and have many berries, but some of the berries have white seed covers and some berries have dry seeds here and there on them. They are coming more and more as the season goes on. Can it be that wasps are draining the juice from the seed covers or do we have a worse problem?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on July 13, 2012

If it is what I think it is, then it is simply seeds that were not properly pollinated. Ths summer has been hard on pollination of plants, due to the high heat and humidity in most of the country. This makes the pollen stick together and pollination is not as successful as it should be. If it is pollination, these white cells are also shriveled and stunted. They are safe to eat though.

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