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Soil Amendments

Q.What is a good product to use to drop the soil ph of my lawn?

Zone Cloncurry QLD Australia | dustin_avenell added on January 18, 2019 | Answered

My soil ph is about 8-8.5. It natural grass and not turf.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on January 18, 2019

Sulfur: Plain elemental sulfur (or sulphur) is probably the easiest and most common way to make soil more acidic, since it’s cheap, relatively safe, and can be spread on top of the soil. Since sulfur is pretty slow-acting, you shouldn’t apply more than 2 pounds per 100 square feet at a time.
Read the label of the product you use and apply accordingly. Start with one application (fall is best) and then retest in 3 months.
It can take a year to get soil ph corrected, overdosing can be more harmful than good to take it slow.

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