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Avocado Trees

Q.what in the world is attacking my avocado plant?

Zone 80013 | Anonymous added on June 6, 2020 | Answered

I think it may be mites.. not sure. 8mth old avocado plant named Alejandro. help!!! I love him so much!!! I am new to the gardening thing, any advice, or tips would be greatly appreciated! looks like bumps, all over the bottom of several of the leaves and he is starting to go limp. He just looks sad. (his new growth was sunburned, totally my fault.. I know I am a terrible plant mom) I purchased mite-x just in case, as well as castile soap. I have done so much research, but It would be helpful if anyone could identify though a picture. I want to make sure I am treating the right problem without killing him in the process. Thank you so much in advance.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 6, 2020

This appears to be an Aphid or Mite damage. Use Neem Oil to treat the plant; Neem Oil is organic and safe for people, pets and Bees.


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