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Grape Vines

Q.What Grapewine In The Most Hardest, Fastgrowing And Easiest To Maintain To Be Grown In A Large Container On A Very Small Balcony.

Zone London N16 7QX, | adrian.cassie added on April 2, 2020 | Answered

I’m not sure if I want the ediable or wine making type, but I do love them. I would like to grow a vine which eventually grown up and across the ceiling of my balcony. At present, the container has homemade compose in it that has turn to soil and has been standing on my balcony for a few years. If I have to get rid of it or mix it with something new, I will….My Balcony is facing a north westerly position. Can you help me with this and the price of such a vine if I choose to purchase one.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 5, 2020

There are quite a few choices, here, as they make great container plants! You can choose a cultivar that sounds good to you, from research.

Here is an article that will help:


As far as pricing- That will depend on where you purchase. You will likely get a better price from purchasing locally, but there are many vendors online. You can check places like Amazon, Etsy, or Ebay.

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